Clients don’t come to us to buy a survey or a focus group, they come with questions, which is why we always tailor the most adequate research method to meet specific needs.

Sometimes that will be qualitative - focus groups, in-depth interviews or observation, sometimes it will be quantitative – structured surveys online, face to face or via telephone. Sometimes it will involve both types.

We help our clients in

  • Understanding the structure and dynamics of the marketplace.
  • Identifying and responding to emerging issues and trends helping to define business strategies.
  • Developing and marketing new products and services.
  • Understanding and improving customer experience.
  • Anticipating and satisfying customer needs profitably.
  • Building loyalty and advocacy.
  • Ensuring marketing communications, say the right things to the right people, through the right channels.

Qualitative research

is a valuable tool to use to obtain well defined descriptions and impressions, rather than numbers and measurements.

It is used to gain thoughts and feelings on a subject, product, brand, or issue.

Using open-ended questions, or discussion points – either in a focus group or informal telephone-based survey – the primary objective is to gain deeper insights on attitudes, emotions, and real understanding, for example on customer needs and pain points.

The emphasis is on understanding rather than simple measurements.

Qualitative research involves empathizing with the customer. It helps to establish the real meanings and feelings that customers attach to products, brands, and issues.

Examples of include:

In-depth interviews. To gain insight on sourcing decisions, brand perception, as well as other key insights related to thoughts and behaviours

Focus groups. Providing an interactive setting to encourage full discussion with participants, ideal format to generate ideas and feedback on products and services, from a customer’s perspective. A valuable tool to gain insight for the development of a relevant brand value proposition.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is conducted with closed questions to produce measurable data in sufficient quantity and from a representative sample of respondents.

Quantitative research is concerned with measurements of a market or a market segment.

Quantitative market research typically includes customer surveys and questionnaires. These can be conducted face-to-face, via post or email, online or via your website but our preferred and most valuable format within the construction industry is via a telephone ‘informal’ topic-based interview.

Examples include:

Market sizing. For instance, estimating market sizes by asking questions about purchasing patterns, frequencies, sourcing, and future buying intent.

Measuring brand health. Measuring brand awareness, consideration, product usage and advocacy. This may involve monitoring responses over time to test the efficacy of a brand’s sales and marketing.

Market segmentation. Grouping customers and prospects in a market according to buying patterns, shared views, behaviors and/or specific needs.

Customer satisfaction surveys. Especially to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction levels over time, or on different aspects of a company’s offering – product or service.

Advertising effectiveness research. For example, to measure the impact of a marketing campaign on brand awareness / associations by taking a measurement before and after the campaign.

Range of services

We are specialists in B2B, B2C, the building sector, construction materials and the built environment.  

We offer:

Market analysis


Customer satisfaction

Customer acquisition and retention

Mystery shopping

New product / concept development

Advertising research

Association research

Employee research